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中国 GPL 诉讼第一案:关于 GPL 题目的切磋

发布时间:2019-12-22 08:22:01 所属栏目:创业 来源:互联网
导读:本案之以是受存眷,是由于本次计较机软件著作权侵权案涉及开源软件和 GPL 容许证,本案的讯断对将来开源软件诉讼实践有重要意义。本案一审法院对 GPL 相干条款作了叙述,二审法院回避了 GPL 题目。本文,笔者基于本案究竟和法院讯断做些思索,分享给各人讨

关于这三个增补判断事项,起首,笔者以为两柚子可能其状师在开源上做足了事变,但个中依然存在题目。起首,插件独立于 Eclipse 主措施,并不必然必要插件可以离开 Eclipse 主措施在 Windows 中独立运行。插件的独立性在于:插件有明晰的成果,可用于特定的主措施,但不依靠于特定的主措施。最后,主措施离开插件,该当且必需可以独立运行,而且不丧失主措施自己的全部成果。


基于以上熟悉,我们再转头看看案件自己。起首声名,因本案必要举办多处技能判断,笔者无法也没有精神逐一取证,仅仅基于几个假设,再捋一下 GPL 相干的题目。笔者以为,关于本案 GPL 熏染性的认定必要从 3 个方面来看:

  1. Eclipse 主程自己;

  2. 基于 Eclipse 主措施的 GPL 插件;

  3. 涉案插件与主措施,以及涉案插件与上述 GPL 插件的相关。


中国 GPL 诉讼第一案:关于 GPL 题目的切磋

(1)从 Eclipse 主措施看

APICloud 和 HBuilder 都是基于主措施 Eclipse 平台,包括第三方开源插件+各自自研插件构成的集成开拓情形 IDE。

起首,主措施 Eclipse 是回收 EPL(Eclipse Public License)容许证果真,EPL 与 GPL 不兼容。即即是 2017 年 8 月宣布的 EPL-2.0 版本固然添加了次级容许证选项,但其与 GPL 依然是不兼容的。因此,HBuilder 作为下流产物,其对 Eclipse 的包装分发不能改观 Eclipse 容许证。

其次,针对插件来说,无非是拓展 Eclipse 某一特定的成果,任何非 Eclipse 自己的第三方插件,可以说对付 Eclipse 主措施来说都长短必需的。其第三方公司开拓的 Eclipse 主措施的插件,凭证 EPL 熏染性的划定,一样平常不视为 EPL 的衍生作品,不受 EPL 束缚。

最后,必要夸大的是 EPL 固然是弱 Copyleft 容许证,但其依然是相同于 GPL 的具有“熏染性”的容许证,其在给以用户更大行使利便的同时,对自身软件的 Copyleft 掩护依然很强。因此,下流软件开拓者在处理赏罚 EPL 软件和 GPL 软件时,必要当真看待它们的兼容性题目。

(2)从 Aptana 插件看

Aptana 在 2006 年推出时,以 EPL 1.0 宣布,并于 2017 年 9 月 21 日修改为 GPL3.0 和 APL(Aptana Public License )双容许。APL 不是开源/自由软件容许证,可以以为是贸易容许,但对付非分发的内部行使是免费的。

Aptana 作为主措施 Eclipse 的插件,因为 EPL 和 GPL 不兼容,Aptana 中的 GPL 插件要和以 EPL 容许的 Eclipse 主措施毗连,必需在 GPL 容许证里作破例声明。毫无疑问,笔者在 Aptana 官网找到了破例声明,即关于独立作品的 GPL 熏染性破例声明,以及聚合措施的 GPL 熏染性破例声明。部门内容如下:

GPL Section 7 Exception

……which are conveyed to you by Appcelerator, Inc. and licensed under one or more of the licenses identified in the Excepted License List below (each an "Excepted License"), as long as:

  1. you obey the GPL in all respects for the Program and the modified version, except for Excepted Works which are identifiable sections of the modified version, which are not derived from the Program, and which can reasonably be considered independent and separate works in themselves,

  2. all Excepted Works which are identifiable sections of the modified version, which are not derived from the Program, and which can reasonably be considered independent and separate works in themselves,

  3. are distributed subject to the Excepted License under which they were originally licensed, and

  4. are not themselves modified from the form in which they are conveyed to you by Appcelerator, and

  5. the object code or executable form of those sections are accompanied by the complete corresponding machine-readable source code for those sections, on the same medium as the corresponding object code or executable forms of those sections, and are licensed under the applicable Excepted License as the corresponding object code or executable forms of those sections, and

  6. any works which are aggregated with the Program, or with a modified version on a volume of a storage or distribution medium in accordance with the GPL, are aggregates (as defined in Section 5 of the GPL) which can reasonably be considered independent and separate works in themselves and which are not modified versions of either the Program, a modified version, or an Excepted Work.

If the above conditions are not met, then the Program may only be copied, modified, distributed or used under the terms and conditions of the GPL or another valid licensing option from Appcelerator, Inc. Terms used but not defined in the foregoing paragraph have the meanings given in the GPL


